2011年9月12日 星期一


Chapter 02
Research object

02-1-1: Texture research 01- Bacteria Texture.
02-1-1-1: To classify. (text, pic)
02-1-1-2: Tissue
02-1-1-3: Reinterpretation of bacteria texture.
02-1-1-4: Application to architecture function.
02-1-2: Texture research 02- Muscle texture. (text, pic)
02-1-2-1: To classify. (text, pic)
02-1-2-2: Reinterpretation of muscle texture.
02-1-2-3: Application to architecture function.
02-1-3: Texture research 03- Skin Texture in nature.
02-1-3-1: Patterns in nature.
02-1-3-2: Tissue of skin.
02-1-3-3: Reinterpretation of skin texture.
02-1-3-4: Redrawing pattern.
02-1-4: Texture research 04- Scale Texture.
02-1-4-1: Scale texture of snake.
02-1-4-2: Scale texture of fish.
02-1-4-3: Scale texture of crawl mammals.
02-1-4-4: Reinterpretation of scale texture.
02-1-4-5: Redrawing pattern.
02-1-5: Texture research 05- Shell in nature.
02-1-5-1: Forms of shell.
02-1-5-2: Patterns of shell.
02-1-5-3: Redrawing forms/ patterns.
02-1-6: Conclusion of chapter 2

Chapter 03

Patterns and kinetic
Operating with Grasshopper

03-1-1: Circle pattern.
03-1-1-1: Rearrangement bacteria texture in GH.
03-1-1-2: Add condition in- control the gap/ contact/ …etc.
03-1-1-3: Kinetic bacteria model.
03-1-2: Linear pattern.
03-1-2-1: Rearrangement muscle texture in GH.
03-1-2-2: Add condition in- control the gap/ contact/ …etc.
03-1-2-3: Kinetic muscle model.
03-1-3: Polygon pattern.
03-1-3-1: Rearrangement skin texture in GH.
03-1-3-2: Add condition in- control the gap/ contact/ …etc.
03-1-3-3: Kinetic skin model.
03-1-4: Irregularity form.
03-1-4-1: Rearrangement Irregularity form in GH.
03-1-4-2: Add condition in- control the gap/ contact/ …etc.
03-1-4-3: Kinetic Irregularity form model.

